New Legendary Booster:
- Daily Tasks - 3 daily tasks for small rewards
- Streak Bonus - complete all Daily Tasks in x days in a row for a bigger reward
- Masters Challenge - Challenging tasks to complete with a time limit for amazing rewards!
Premium Pass:
-Make any in app purchase with real money to unlock the 7 day pass. Gives you access to unlock Free Replacements (No Ads), Exclusive Daily Events, and Exclusive Solos. Will renew for 7 days after every purchase
Booster Purchase With Coins Changed:
- Some Boosters including Legendary and SE had their price to purchase with coins adjusted
- Added a "completed state" to home screen event buttons (for solo/adventure)
Mutation Lab:
- Added mutations for mushrooms + Zappers
- Prioritize stickers in trading screen that will help the other player finish a page
- Localized all Game Rules tooltips
Booster Improvements:
- All Aboard SE - Less cases in which after activating, no bandit pieces are matchable
- UFO SE + Billie Boom - Now collects Jungle Leaves (Jungle Rumble)
- Foxy SE - Prevent spawning more than one spray can in the middle column ( if 1 was already on the middle board)
Game Mode Changes:
- Any Move Mode - Movements that don't create a match are now FREE
- Column Mania/Crazy Columns - Modes can now work with super sized boards
- Change send stickers button to be inactive with a timer when reaching the limit
-Recently joined teammates no longer contribute stars to team leaderboard rank for 24 hours
- Add Korean, Scottish, Slovenian and Lithuanian flags
Bug fixes:
- In sticker albums screen, tapping "show more" ignored the active filters
- Sticker Token - Was available to use again even after sticker is received
- Can now purchase tickets multiple times.
- Dustville Duel - Fixed invalid swap adding more bandit pieces to the board.
- Hide booster cards on Rumble event card if already reached max wins
- Solo - Allow an extra second to cancel a solo game for when you realize you chose the wrong perks
- General Experience - Fade in the Menu them music on game start (instead of starting at 100)
- Rumble - Add a large exit button when out of moves and in red zone
- Hide opponent giving up if it happens during the last round and you are the second player
- Mutation Lab - Solo - Pop mutations one by one and allow clicks only when the animation ends
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